The 5 Tibetan Rites

The 5 Tibetan Rites is an ancient system of movements said to give you eternal youth.  They were first revealed to the western world through the booklet, The Eye of Revelation by Peter Kelder in 1939. 

Kelder learned of the Rites from a British Colonel, who, whilst stationed in India, heard a story about a group of lamas who apparently had discovered a fountain of youth. The stories told that old men would become healthy and strong and full of virility after entering the lamasery. 

The first time Kelder met the Colonel, he was an elderly man with grey hair and using a cane. 

Years later, Kelder ran into the Colonel, but this time he walked without a cane, with a spring in his step and his hair was no longer grey. The Colonel told Kelder that he had travelled to Tibet and found the lamasery and practiced the Rites. 

The Lamas claimed that humans have 7 spinning “psychic vortexes”; two in the brain, one at the base of the throat, one on the right side of the body close to the liver, one in the reproductive anatomy and one in each knee. As we age, the spin rate of these vortexes diminishes, “resulting in ill health”.  The spin-rate however can be restored by performing the 5 Rites daily. 

Kelder claimed that apparently, there was also a sixth Rite, which is what you will know from my classes as “Nauli-Prep”: Pull in the abdomen as much as possible, and at the same time raise the chest, sucking the belly into the chest cavity. Hold this position as long as you possibly can. Take air into your empty lungs, release the belly and let the air flow in through the nose.

The Colonel also instructed the importance of a healthy, varied diet and that the Om mantra has a very powerful stimulating effect on the Pineal gland.

Whether these Rites are the fountain of youth, I cannot confirm, but if I look at the movements, they contain dynamic movement, core strength, glute activation, heart opening, balance challenge. Combined with the Om mantra, which slows the  breath and creates vibration and a healthy diet, I am sure it will, if nothing else, improve your overall health. 

Now for the Rites themselves: I have borrowed this little video from Wikipedia - I just loved these moving little men! Note that most of these are familiar movements from my classes. I also recently posted a Tibetan Rite themed class on the website which can be found under Shorter Classes 



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