Nina Jarnum Yoga

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5 Essential Stretches Every Skier Should Know

Enhance Your Ski Performance with These Vital Stretches

As a skier, preparing your body for the demands of the slopes is crucial for both performance and injury prevention. Here are five essential stretches for skiers that every powder hound should incorporate into their routine:

I recommend skiers to stretch every day after skiing. Warming your body up with a little gentle yoga in the morning is also a great way to warm up your joints and get them ready for a day on the slopes. Here are my best stretches for skiers:

Standing Quad Stretch

The quadriceps play a vital role in skiing, controlling your knee position and helping you maintain a strong stance.How to do it:

  • Stand on one leg, bringing your other foot towards your buttocks.

  • Hold your foot with your hand, keeping your knees close together.

  • Stand tall, engage your core, and hold for 30 seconds.

  • Repeat on the other side.

Pro tip: If balance is challenging, hold onto a wall or chair for support.

Figure-4 Hip Stretch

Open hips are crucial for maintaining a proper ski stance and executing smooth turns. How to do it:

  • Stand on one leg.

  • Cross your other ankle over your standing leg's thigh, creating a "4" shape.

  • Slowly sit back as if you're sitting in a chair.

  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

    Pro tip: For a deeper stretch, gently press down on your bent knee.

    Downward Dog to Lunge

This dynamic stretch targets multiple muscle groups, improving overall leg flexibility. How to do it:

  • Start in a downward dog position.

  • Step one foot forward between your hands into a lunge.

  • Hold for 15 seconds, feeling the stretch in your back leg.

  • Step back to downward dog and repeat with the other leg.

Pro tip: Keep your front knee aligned over your ankle in the lunge position.

Thread the Needle

Upper back mobility is essential for pole planting and maintaining proper form while skiing. How to do it:

  • Start on your hands and knees.

  • Slide one arm under your body, reaching to the opposite side.

  • Rest your shoulder and cheek on the ground.

  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

Pro tip: For a deeper stretch, use your free hand to gently pull your top shoulder blade away from your spine.

Ankle Rolls

Flexible ankles are crucial for maintaining balance on varied terrain. How to do it:
Sit with one leg extended.

  • Rotate your ankle in circles, 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise.

  • Point and flex your foot 10 times.

  • Repeat with the other ankle.

Pro tip: Try spelling the alphabet with your toes for an extra ankle workout.Remember, these stretches are most effective when done consistently. Aim to incorporate them into your routine 3-4 times a week, especially in the weeks leading up to your ski trip.While these stretches provide a great foundation, they're just the beginning of a comprehensive approach to preparing your body for skiing.

For a more in-depth program that includes balance work, strength training, and yoga flows specifically designed for skiers, check out my full Yoga and Movement for Skiers course. Happy stretching, and see you on the slopes!

Want to start your journey to stability and balance? Try the Yoga & Movement for Skiers program: